A firm believer in the formative and transformative role of art, since 2007, Associação Sol Maior has been dedicated to offering free music education to children and adolescents in situations of social vulnerability. In 2017, Sol Maior is celebrating its 10th anniversary of activities with a solid structure and plans for the future, recognized nationally by the project Criança Esperança, by Rede Globo/Unesco, as one of the institutions to be included in 2018.
The free workshops of instrumental music, dance and choral singing are offered in the opposite shift to the school, and all the instruments necessary for learning are provided by the institution. Students receive food, ticket assistance card, uniform, educational material and participate in cultural and entertainment activities provided by Sol Maior. The institution offers guitar, cavaquinho, mandolin, keyboard, flute, percussion, drums, dance and choral singing workshops. The activities are carried out at the Multipalco at Theatro São Pedro – the most prestigious cultural space in Porto Alegre – and at the ACBERGS headquarters, in the Humaitá neighborhood, located on the outskirts of the capital of Rio Grande do Sul.
The project also offers the opportunity for public presentations in schools, nursing homes and hospitals. At the end of the annual activities, students realize a dream, previously unattainable, to perform on the stage of Theatro São Pedro, the oldest and most prestigious in the capital of Rio Grande do Sul.
The actions of Sol Maior – civil association governed by private law, of an educational and non-profit nature – seek to be in line with the ECA – Statute of Children and Adolescents – providing access to a space of social protection. Thus, the institution is registered with the Municipal Council for Social Assistance – CMAS – and the Municipal Council for the Rights of Children and Adolescents – CMDCA.
Projeto Vida , by Sol Maior prepares students in an emancipatory phase, to enter the job market, through specific workshops, qualification and professional guidance, identifying their skills and interests. After this stage, Sol Maior directs them to the job market, through partnerships. Currently, Projeto Vida, created in 2017, can be proud of its results, as 95% of the students who graduated from the institution are already working in the job market.
✅ Zero dropout rate at Sol Maior – since 2007, no student has voluntarily left the project.
✅ High attendance rate at workshops – 95% of students regularly attend classes offered.
✅ Large-scale school approval – 98.5% of those assisted obtained school approval.
✅ Entry into the job market – 94% of Sol Maior graduates are already employed or in professional internships.
✅ Admission to universities – around 13 teenagers who completed their cycle at the institution are already in Universities.
✅ Public benefited directly – 2,950 children and adolescents benefited from Sol Maior’s social inclusion work.
✅ Audience benefited indirectly – 12,400 people – family and community group of each child and adolescent.
✅ Participation of families – 92% of students’ families actively participate in Sol Maior’s activities.
Sol Maior’s mission has continued unceasingly since the beginning of the Covid 19 pandemic. As of the determination of social isolation, in March 2020, the institution started to offer music and dance workshops, through its YouTube channel, in addition to promoting online meetings with musical performances, games and contests. Students and their families also began to receive psychological care offered by Sol Maior during this period.
During this period, the entity’s attention also turned to providing the basic livelihood of families, a large part affected by unemployment. About 28 tons of food were delivered in 2020, in addition to hygiene and cleaning kits, shoes and blankets, totaling more than 2700 people benefited.
In 2021, the entity continued to provide basic food baskets to the most needy families, and is carrying out weekly visits to villages, delivering snack kits and hygiene materials. Online workshops remain as well as psychological care for students and their families.
Soon, the return of face-to-face classes will become a reality.
Sol Maior was created in 2007 by Maria Teresa Campos and César Franarin, based at the Pão dos Pobres Foundation and with just 50 students. In 2012, it began operating in rooms at Theatro São Pedro’s Multipalco, serving around 130 children and teenagers in partnership with the Associação dos Amigos do Theatro São Pedro. In 2014, given the growing and constant demand, the entity tripled the number of students, also starting to serve at ACBERGS – Associação das Creches Beneficentes do Rio Grande do Sul, in the Humaitá Community. Since 2019, Sol Maior has simultaneously served 450 vulnerable children and adolescents.
Today, the institution has a team of 20 people, including coordinators, educators, monitors, administrative assistants and advisors.
Promote the development of children and adolescents in situations of social vulnerability, seeking, through education in music and dance, to create opportunities for them to fully exercise their potential as people and citizens.
To be a reference organization in the development of citizenship for children and adolescents, through education in music and dance.